heyya!!! i'm back!!!

Hell yeah!!!
finally I get this time. . . Long time no writing here.
My life was so full of emptiness. LOL
As if i'm kinda truly busy activist. . .
But, yeah, that's fact.
Actually 3rd semester is not as busy as the previous ones.
It's trully, hum. . . Fun (is this appropriate to describe it?)
But, the package lecture has started from now on!
So, I've got DSP for 6 weeks, include UTS and UAS in it.
And this is my 6th week. Pray for me for UAS next Friday ya. . .

This week I've got so many trouble. . .
That's afwul, and sooo painfull of course.
It started when my practical lecture began. We practice about dental impression.
It means, we must mold friend's dens and oral cavity. . . with or without handscoon. Eww. .
But for me, it's not disgusting entirely =D
This is the steps: the patient be relaxed by massaging the jaw,
put the tray into the oral cavity and pull one of the lips' seam.
Oh, God! That so painful! When the iron tray (which quite sharp) shoved my lips.
It's so painfull when I open my mouth, especially in the morning.
Aaaarghh!!! And, that time my wisdom tooth got eruption. Woogh. . .
That drove me to tougue ulcer (and it was in the end of tongue), and my bucal was injured too. . .
I cried all day and night (not such excessive anyway).
I can't speak, eat, and laugh well.
That's pathetic >.<
Hope I can get well sooooooon ya everyone^^
I've just made a fruit stock for a week, so I don't get missing of vitamin C supplement.

Sunday, I must be molded by my friend. I'll be fine. Hopefully. . .
And I wish I can get a better value. Amin

On my peach carpet

this is my photo after sell flowers for danus. . .
I couldn't get enough buyers, so. . . I'll take it myself.

1 komentar:

Meykke Santoso mengatakan...

follow saia dong mbakyuuuu
yang meykkengonyoli.blogspot....

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