Hey, but it's my country. Well, let me explain.
It's located in South East Asia, lays between Asia and Australia continent.
Actually it's a fascinating country (I solemnly swear about that).
You could find many kind of nutfah plasm here (I'm not certain it's a true vocab, but in here, we called it plasma nutfah)
It similiar to biological nature source. You may see all of beutiful panorama. Just choose:
Waterfall, submarine view (include coral, fish, and all kind thing in it), impressive mountain (what do u like best. Volcano or inactive one. Here's the place)
lake with 3 different color that could change in a certain time (We called it Kalimutu lake), mountain which was surrounded by the lake (Toba Lake) or surrounded by sea (Krakatau).
Or maybe you like to sunbathing in white sandy beach, Bali is the right answer. . .
Hey, but I suppose, you all know Bali better than Indonesia,right?
Actually, Bali is one of Indonesia region. . . A bautiful small island, paradise^^
Indonesia is on 0 degree latitude, so. . . yeah, we have the tropical sunshine that could make you produce more melanin =)
And because it's an archipelago also. . . Please don't be surprised if you'll find many different custom and tradition in each place you stop by.
That's way my country is sooo colorfull.
I LOVE THIS COUNTRY WITH ALL MY LIVE AND BLOOD. . . In every breath, every step, and every beat.
Okay, that was so excessive. Yah, just forget it. . .
Heyyy!!!! But ITS TRUE!!!! >.<
But, something trouble just happened sequencely. Guess what. Yap. DISASTER.
Yeah, I bet you've read or watch in television news program. Huh?
And I'm afraid. You know Indonesia because of disaster that come to us. . . That's pathetic. T.T
On October 26th 2010. . . The 2 big disaster just occured in 2 different island.
One is on Mentawai, a big tsunami swept almost whole that little island.
Another one is on the boundary of Central Java and Yogyakarta.
Yah, Eruption of Merapi, a volcano that include of A type of mountain (it means that very active!!!)
The second one is horible. But it doesn't prove that Mentawai is not horrified.
No, I mean. Merapi takes a few day to get the climax. . .
Merapi is the youngest volcano in Java Island, so. . . yeah, you all know the youngster behaviour. . .
You could called it that way. . .
The type of eruption is diffrent with any other volcano.
It's special, the only one which have hot dusty cloud called wedhus gembel. . . Adapted from java language that in English we could say rastafara sheep. . . =D
No, I'm kidding ^^. . . And one of the victims of wedhus gembel was Mbah Maridjan (grandpa Maridjan). . .
Don't make it same with Mary Jane in Spiderman, please. He's the guardian of Merapi Mountain.
The one who never want to surrender until the end of his life. . .
The one who always try to mash up the harmony of God's power, nature (environment), and respect to other God's creatures.
He don't want to be evacuated with any other people. The reason is NOT because he had supernatural power.NOOO!!! It's a HOAX!
It's just because of he thought that he has a responsibility to guard his surrounding and the people around by praying to God in his modest house that only 4 kms from the top of volcano.
For him, dead in way of doing his duty is better than looking for the safety of himself.
He don't wanna be a loser. Like a javanese people said "Yen wis saguh yo kudu lungguh, ora kena mingkuh". Mmmm, it's just a idioms, so it's difficult enough for being translated in English.
And some people judge that he died in such foolish way. I've just said "center finger, dude!"
FYI, his wages of becoming a Merapi guardian is only 81.000 Rupiah, or only 9 dollars 10 cents PER MONTH!!!
So, I'm certain you are so curious. Why did he still want to doing that job in such nonsense wages?
I've said that Mbah Maridjan was so special. It's difficult to us for not measure everything with money. . . JOB=MONEY.TIME=MONEY.
Please take a look to your own reflection, have your pupils turn into $.$???
Well, t's very hard to explain, how people get their own happiness in a simple life. . .
Luxurious car, comfortable bed, modern gadget, extravagant lifestyle. . .??? Is that enough to get the real happiness?
For some people, happiness is healing fresh air, seeing the beauty of panorama, being together with all of family, saying hello to the neighbor, laughing and sharing about life in the midday break time when they go to field,
give a warm welcome to anyone. . . See? Simple life teaches us about RESPECTING. . .
Makes us realize, that in this little world, we don't live with ourself. . . We are a big family. We have one sky, remember, when you look upside, there are other people see the same sky also. . .
We have one Ocean, remember, when we dye our fingers in it, we connect to other continents in this world. . .
Heyyy, stay focus dany!!!
Hmmmmhhhh. . .
Anyway, Mbah Maridjan give us more lesson. . . Life is not about how to make ourself better. . .
But its about giving, caring, and guarding one to others. . .
When you obey the rule. . . Happiness will come in its own way. . .

merapi panorama

the blue sky behind

wedhus gembel
Dany Aprilla
Peach carpet, November 6th 20010
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